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发表于 2022-6-2 13:54:21 |显示全部楼层
One of the most iconic raids in World of Warcraft's expansive history, the Black Temple was first released about 15 years ago, and now it's coming to The Burning Crusade Classic. However, if you want to enter the fortress of Illidan Stormrage, you first need to complete a long attunement chain to enter the Black Temple. First of all you need to know that your Black Temple attunement journey starts from Shadowmoon Valley, you must complete a series of quests to start the necessary attunement chain, so which quests will you encounter?

The first quest you receive is "Tablets of Baa'ri", which can start at the Altar of Sha'tar or the Sanctum of the Stars, depending on whether you are allied with the Aldor or the Scryers.

After completing a series of quests in the Baa'ri Ruins, you will be asked to collect four fragments of a Medallion of Karabor. And these four fragments you need to get from four specific Ashtongue Corruptors: Eykenen, Haalum, Lakaan and Uylaru. If you want to collect the four pieces more conveniently, you can follow the route from north to south at the midsection of Shadowmoon Valley.

Then you need to go to the Warden's Cage, where you will be asked by a member of the Ashtongue Deathsworn to kill a shaman named Zandras. After you've completed your allegiance to the Deathsworn, you'll be scheduled to meet Akama, a quest giver you know very well.

You'll learn from Akama that the medallion fragments you've collected are replicas, and the location of the last piece is known only to Udalo, the Prophet of Arcatraz. So next you will be sent to the Arcatraz dungeon to find the Prophet.

In the process of completing this quest, players will encounter many powerful enemies. If you do not have enough strength, it is very likely that you will stagnate at a certain stage of the quest. Therefore, many players will make adequate preparations in advance in order to complete the quest more smoothly. The most important of these is TBC Classic Gold. Because if you want to improve your strength, you must buy a lot of powerful items, and you need to consume a lot of TBC Classic Gold.

As we all know, the process of accumulating TBC Classic Gold in the game is very slow, and if you don't have a lot of time to play the game, it is difficult to have a very considerable income. Therefore, many players will choose to buy them in MMOWTS, and their preferential prices can help every player save a lot of money. If you want to complete the quest quickly, then https://www.mmowts.com/wow-classic-tbc-gold can definitely help you.


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